
General description The track–ball assembly is used as an I/O device for military consoles, it consists of two main parts: Trackball Buttons Interface Principle of operation Track-ball, as the name suggests, is made up of a rigid “ball” that can rotate on itself. The speed and direction of the ball is obtained using two encoders, […]
vp-am429 arinc429

General description The VP-AM429 is a mezzanine module for avionics communication suitable to hosted on the VP-2101 3U OPEN VPX Module. It is designed for the most demanding applications, it allows communications over the ARINC429 standard offering at the same time a flexible general purpose I/O interface. DO-254 certification package and manufacturing data package are […]

General description The VP-AM1553 is a mezzanine module for avionics communication suitable to be hostedon the VP-2101 3U OPENVPX Module. It is designed for the most demanding application, it allows communications over MILSTD1553 bus offering at the same time a flexible general purpose I/O interface. DO-254 certification package and manufacturing data package are also available […]