R&D Researches, Design, development, production


OmniaElectronics can perform, for customers, studies about the behaviour of a certain electronic equipment or formulas, helping to find the most performances architecture or the less expansive one.

To do this we use extensively:

  • Matlab and its derivates
  • Analog or digital simulations


During the study we use functions as:

  • FFT and frequency decimation
  • FIR implementation and test
  • Correlation functions

For more detailed information about any of our products, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Development the project development is based on:

OmniaElectronics technology is based on state of art components and architectural design, the main branches are:


  • OPAMP, from 0 to 2GHz
  • Signal conditioning (LNA, LOGAMP…)
  • DAC/ADC, up to 600MHz (8, 12, 16 bit)


  • Primary Radar S-X-Ka band
  • Power amplifier up to 400W@3GHz (S-band)


  • uController 8, 16, 32 bit from Microhip to ARM
  • uProcessor
  • SITARA family,
  • iMX by NXP
  • DSP
  • ADSP21xx
  • Tiger Sharc
  • C55
  • FPGA
  • Cyclone Stratix by Altera
  • Spartan, Virtex and Zynq by Xilinx


OmniaElectronics can offer the uController as HW and FW (especially for FPGA), normally we use:



VHDL as general function description language with IP depending by vendor:

Operating system (os)

Omnia can use the most common OS like:


OmniaElectronics is an electronic design company basically. The production facilities are not inside the company (the prototype reworking machine are inside only), the production phase is outsourced to third party. The OmniaElectronics partner are ISO9001 certified and work according to quality plane approved by OmniaElectronics itself.

Standard FR4 PCB

PC Assembly

rf pcb


Fiber Optic